Album Title : Gandhiji & Shastriji Jayanti Celebration.

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  • Description : ON THE GRAND OCCASION GANDHIJI AND SHASTRIJI’S JAYANTI 2nd of October a day never to be forgotten as on this auspicious day two stalwarts came down to earth to spread the message of peace, brotherhood and harmony. On this day we pay our heartiest respect to our ‘Father of Nation’ Mahatama Gandhiji and our second Prime Minister LaL Bahadur Shastriji on their 152nd birthday. The program at Vashisth Vatsalya Public School began with the Hoisting of our National Flag followed by garlanding of pictures of Mahatama Gandhiji and LaL Bahadur Shastriji. Thereafter Principal Mrs. Nalini Singh in her speech told about the concept of ‘Antodaya’of Gandhiji. ‘Antodaya’ means the welfare of all through the weakest of the society. She said that Gandhiji wanted to promote the strategy of group formation to enlighten women and provide necessary mental courage for self-employment. She also told about Gandhiji’s dream of securing human rights by emancipating exploitation of weaker sections of the society ultimately leading to ‘Social Justice’. She also highlighted the thoughts of Shastriji, who gave us the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’. She said Shastriji was really a visionary as he realized the role of our Jawans in coming years both at the time of war and peace. Praising Shastriji she said that he also knew the importance of our Kisan whom we call ‘Annadata’; they are the source of our life so we must appreciate the labour and hard work of our Kisans. So let us remember these two great people of our soil and pay our respect from the depth of our heart and try to follow the path of righteousness that is of non-violence and truth and respect our Jawans and Kisans.
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