Album Title : Welcome Of Students Nursery, Prep.

Total Photos : 20 Total Pages : 1
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  • Description : A moment of relief and joy, an event to relish and cherish, an instant to keep in our memories for years to come. The school reopened for offline classes after a gap of more than two years for the little students. Vashisth Vatsalya Public School, the Principal Ms Nalini Singh and the entire staff welcome the little ones with great energy and fervor. The young saplings showed how exuberated they are to rejoin the school and it was really a pleasant sight. The smiles, the innocence, the enthusiasm, which we all missed for two years, can be on their faces. They all enjoyed being at the school and interacted well with their teachers. They probably gave a message to the enemies of human race “You can confine and chain us down for a while but you cannot imprison our spirits, we will soar high as in the past because we humans have a tendency to always grow “. You all also be a part of it -------
Total Photos : 20 Total Pages : 1
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