Album Title : Republic Day Celebration

Total Photos : 61 Total Pages : 3
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  • Description : 75TH REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATIONS AT VASHISTH VATSALYA PUBLIC SCHOOL (VVPS) 75TH REPUBLIC DAY was celebrated like a festival with all the teachers and office staff participating in the Flag Unfurling ceremony on this 26th January 2024 at VVPS. On this occasion senior teacher Mrs. Pragati Mishra Unfurled the flag and along with her all the teachers gave their voice to National Anthem. The message was loud and clear “Our country should be our first priority. We must perform our duties, execute our responsibilities and spread brotherhood to gain the momentum of development. The students of VVPS also joined the Flag Unfurling ceremony off line and online in huge number, commemorating their respect towards National Flag.
Total Photos : 61 Total Pages : 3
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