Album Title : Swachha Bharat Campaign

Total Photos : 10 Total Pages : 1 Event Date : 1st October, 2023
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  • Description : ‘SWACHCHANJALI’ AT VASHISTH VATSALYA PUBLIC SCHOOL As per the guidance of Bharat Sarkar (MOHUA) teachers and students actively participated in the ‘Swachchanjali, (cleanliness tribute) Swachchata Hi Sewa’ a fortnightly program to commemorate the 154 birth anniversary of ‘The Father of the Nation’, whose dream was Swachch Bharat, Swasth Bharat. The program is not only to prioritize the cleanliness of the surroundings from dirt and litter but also to clean our body, mind and soul from all the vices. If we are able to do this, then the dream of Mahatma Gandhiji of Swachch Bharat will come true.
Total Photos : 10 Total Pages : 1
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